Bestman EST 2020 Large Glass Beer Mug
It seems there is a special beer glass for every type of beer you can imagine, but with one of these awesome 25 oz. glass beer mugs, you can give your bestman the gift of a mug that makes every beer special instead. Made in classic bar style, their large size means not only are they durable, but they hold a lot of whatever standard craft beer you fancy. Pilsner, lager, or ale, this glass stein, with its solid glass handle, will handle them all. The mug can be is specially branded with 'BESTMAN' 'EST 2020', marking each drink you enjoy from the tankard as unique and yours. Thank your bestman in inexpensive style with a proper beer mug, at a cheap price, that's perfect if you're working with a wedding budget. That way none of your best guys' drinkware collection is lacking style and half-pints are a thing of the past.